El Museo del Barrio, Spanish Harlem | Latin Art Museum

El Museo del Barrio, Spanish Harlem | Latin Art Museum
1230 5th Avenue at 104th Street
Telephone: 212-831-7272
Website: elmuseo.org
Hours: Opens 11am-5pm Wed-Sun (to 8pm Thursday)

El Museo del Barrio was founded in 1969 by local artists and activists from the Spanish Harlem neighborhood of New York City. El Museo del Barrio was a response to the lack of support of Puerto Rican artists in the art capital of the world. These artists faced limited opportunities and even more limited exhibition space to showcase their talent. Today the museum exhibits Puerto Rican art along with art from the Caribbean and from Latin America.

The permanent collection of art production spans two millennia, from Pre-Columbian artifacts to prints, paintings, installations, and cinema from the latest generation of Latin American artists. Among more than 8,000 objects are wooden "santos" (colorful depictions of Catholic saints that incorporate Afro-Caribbean motifs), fascinating documents of the early years of immigration in New York and films of life in Spanish Harlem from the 1970s to the present day.

Puerto Rican Artwork from El Museo del Barrio, Spanish Harlem NY | photography by Sal Rojas

Coming This FALL 2007
After renovation, El Museo del Barrio’s Permanent Collection
Installation, highlighting the Tainos and their legacy; Popular Arts including Santos de Palo, Graphics; and Modern and Contemporary selection.

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