Pato of Control Machete / Contrabanda Q&A

Pato of Control Machete / Contrabanda

Pato you’ve been working with Jason Roberts for a few years, how did you start working together?

Pato - We had the luck of meeting him while we were recording the first Control Machete album. We knew that he had been working with very interesting people, a good friend contacted him, and he surprised us by being so interested in working with us! He instantly became part of the family, a strong support system, a teacher and a leader. Like a fourth machete... and personally he was like a brother.

How did the name of Contrabanda (Contraband) come about and what’s its significance?

Pato- Jason and I have a project that we are beginning to develop in Los Angeles... it's based on the diffusion of Latin music in the U.S. The workshop is called Coyote Contrabando (Coyote Contraband). While working on more and more songs, we had the idea of utilizing the name for the band that we were putting together.

-It can easily be applied to the “other side”, the b-side, also that essence of proposition, of instance...

What would you say is the distinction between Control Machete and Contrabanda?

Pato- Time! Ha, ha! We definitaley wanted to give the new project its own identity, but there’s also a continuation that we want to preserve, in reference to what we’ve been doing. After all, we are still two machetes..!

What’s the title of the album and approximately when will it hit the streets?

Pato- The title is still tentative, but the most probable choice since it sums up the album’s content and its process. “P.M.”… -We’ve been evaluating various propositions so that we can began editing the material as soon as possible! It’s ready! Meanwhile we’re working on a couple of more tracks. We hope to hit the streets in October, at the latest!

Why was there a drastic approach between the albums of "Un, Dos; Bandera" and those prior to Control Machete?

Pato- It was a creative process very different to what we had been generating. I believe that it was noticeable that we were going in different directions, and it was very difficult not to count on Fermin’s help.

A while back there was a rumor that there would be an unedited Control Machete album release, when will it take place?

Pato- Unedited, for now there’s nothing, there was an idea to compile all the collaborations that we had with various artists all in one album. Even that’s very complex and not of interest to the label.

As a person that’s into the Spanish Hip-Hop scene, it’s very common to hear people’s interest in hearing Control Machete with the voices of Pato and Fermin IV, do you think that some day it will possible to hear both of you together again?

Pato- I would really like that, I recently spoke with him and with the delay of the editing, it’s very probable that we can make it happen! It would be very important to me for him to also be present in this new phase...

How do you see the state of Mexican Rap, what individual or group do you think has the potential to be the next great exponent of Mexican Hip Hop.

Pato- I’m labeled as the positive one, but I do believe that the scene is in a very important phase! There’s good candidates in every state(talachando?), developing, and unifiyin!

My brother Sekreto and the great men of Caballeros del Plan G, DASH, Soez, I’m also feeling Soldados del Reyno, my homeboy El Elore and La Niña Dioz... there’s plenty to choose from!

Through out the years you grew as an artist and there’s a noticeable change in your style between "Mucho Barato" and "Un, Dos; Bandera", which will be the Pato of Contrabanda?

Pato- I think there’s a little bit of every Pato! I like to switch it up, to test and try... even though it turns out a bit repetitive!

Which artists would you like to work with in the near future and is there another project in exsistence?

Pato- Oooh, With a lot of (banda)! You know I like many genres of music! So anything is possible! We’ve been very lucky up until now!

Pato- Jason and I have had the desire for a while to do something with Javier Batiz. Also, in the future, we have the idea of making an album with all our friends that are M.C.’s!

Pato- Nothing formal, (but I try to put my crazy ideas to the test.)

What are you listening to lately and what are your all time favorite albums?

The new Beastie Boys album is extremely good! La Mala’s album! Serko brought me the Biggie with Sinatra, and that’s incredible! I have some friends that do rock that just released a new album: Punkrobot de Niña! Another friend left me a Caetano Veloso album, also incredible! I enjoy a little bit of everything!

What a difficult question, I’ll give you ten...

1.Revolver by the Beatles 2.Sabotage by Black Sabbath 3.Are U experienced? by Jimmy Hendrix 4.Legend by Bob Marley 5.Colossal Head by Los Lobos 6.Kind of Blue by Miles Davis 7.Psycho Realm - Psycho Realm 8.Check your Head by the Beastie Boys 9.Black Sunday by Cypress Hill 10.Zig-Zag by Tha Mexakinz

Any last words that you would like to share?

Pato- Thank you for all the support! And await the Contrabanda! Visit our myspace page

Right Click Here to Download "Amigo" (pato2) by ContraBanda Interview by Daniel of La UNION 1910

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