Not4Prophet of X-Vandals | Hip Hop Is Dead

"Hip Hop is Dead!!!!!!
If hip hop should die before I wake
I'll put an extended clip inside of my AK
Roll to every station, murder the DJ
Roll to every station, murder the DJ" - Nas

First off thanx and much respect to all the myspace-outs who've been giving us positive/x-cellent feedback/words and vibrations ref the X-Vandals and our war of art.....

We have started a small INDEPENDENT record label to support our music/art, so right now we are in the process of getting our thang together (ref web pages, paypal, videos, booking shows, etc, etc etc), so bare with us in terms of making our X-Vandalisms available to all of yall in a way that works world-wide..... There's just a few of us underlings tryna do it all (without the support of SONY) so we don't/can't always meet even our own (self imposed) deadlines.....

But we will post info up here (and elsewhere) soon as we got things poppin'.....

But we feel that with todays anarchic computer technology (finally) at the disposal of the dispossessed and in the hands of the Hip Hop have-nots, it's finally the perfect time to try to dispose of the bizness/as-usual and try to take Hip Hop back from the (currently crumbling) machine/bizness that has co-opted/controlled/con-tame-inated/capitalized on it for the last couple decades.....

I've been doing defiantly anti-corporate music for the last ten years (I wasn't just raging AGAINST the machine, but also outside of it and in spite of it), but only now (with the advent of this inter-net thang) and the accompanying dissent/down fall of the major (players) have we been able to reach people everywhere from South Africa, to Northern Ireland, Basque to Paris, Havana to Venezuela to the Philippines to Puerto Rico and anywhere/everywhere else that is "at war" and/or is looking for real(ity) Hip Hop MUSIC (but not muse-sick) that is not an employee of the machine, working in the fascist factory, afraid to talk back to the fore-man...... afraid to fight!

We on a mission, ya'll......

Yeah, X-vandals is not only X-perminetal (hip hop) music, but also an X-periment in how/if we can further destroy the already burning/condemned carcass/building known as "the hustle" by hitting it with a vandalizing wrecking ball called Real(ity) rebel music......

If "hip Hop" is a "hustle" (and to many of us it is/has become JUST that), where there are no (real) artists, but only bizness men/hustlas/playas/pimps tryna figure out how to best "work" Hip Hop culture (and specifically rap music) like you would any other ho/prostitute, to get paid in dead presidents/pesos/yen/euros, then we say, yeah, if it ain't dead yet, then it's most certainly dying.... only to be trans-de-formed into todays stocks and blonds, (blood) diamonds and pearls, plati-numb (slave) chains down to our ankles, and big old (fools) gold crucifixes around our necks (that look oddly like the lynching rope of old)....

And, if that is the case, then yeah, let it die/burn, baby, burn......

Hip Hop wasn't always a "hustle" though (some of us know this and some don't seem to or don't want to).... But, once upon upon a time it was a really rather radical reaction, a rebel resistance, a counter (and sub) culture move-ment coming from/by a people in a little place called the Bronx who had nada besides their will to live/survive, and the ingenuity/genius to create something from all that that nothing...... It's very x-sistence was an act of revolution because the nationless nation of (poor) people who/that created it were not supposed to have anything..... besides the misery of the desolate and destitute ghetto(s) they was placed in...

The creators of Hip Hop culture were NOT the suns and dawters of the ones who created this corporate/capitalist mess that we been living (and survive) in for the past few centuries. The originators of this Hip Hop thang were the ones who Frantz fanon referred to as "the wretched of the earth" and the bible called the meek. Hip Hop really WAS "ghetto" when that meant something.... politically.... But, of course, wherever their is need/want, there will be a culture vulture capitalist-in-waiting or in the making just a waitin' to pounce..... So, it didn't take long before Hip Hoppers were taught to sell their blood for bounty, they muse for milk, and they culture for cream......

and that's where we been eva eva since.....

So, if Hip Hop is just one more capitalist venture, then X-Vandals says let it burn with blood and fire and let it die like a dirty (under)dog in the streets where it was born (and razed)..... But also let it be cleansed in that fire, and, let us all remember not to forget, that where there is fire, there is the possibility/myth/reality of a phoenix that can rise again.....

and for those spiritual folks among us..... always re-member, what dies CAN be resurrected......

And, oh yeah being that straight up "vandals" that we be, we are quite down with the idea of bootlegs, black markets, and the boosting back of beats.... all in the name of this new/old revolution.....

but we also advocate a greater consciousness/overstanding (in this day of defiance) of the difference between robin hood and just plain ol' robbin' in the hood..... The difference between SONY and sheer survival, the difference between EMI and i and i, the difference between Warner bros and the brothas...... if you gonna rob a bank, you rob the bank, not the teller, and if you gonna rob mcdonalds, you rob Ronald himself, not the kid who works the french fry machine......

This is no longer bizness as usual.....

This a (new) movement..... of jah/our people!!!.....

and THIS.... means WAR!!!!!

Hip Hop is dead.... Que viva Hip Hop!!!!!

Not4Prophet of the X-Vandals

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