Toy Selectah aka DJ, Producer, and Creative Director

Toy Hernández, the mix-master wizard for Monterrey's Spanish hip-hop pioneers Control Machete, has created a whole new hybrid by mixing Mexican soundscapes with contemporary urban rhythms.

As a music producer and remixer, Toy Hernández has worked with a long list of artists and bands including Gustavo Cerati, Ely Guerra, Cabas, Juanes, Alejandro Sanz, Don Omar, Celso Piña, Kinky, Zurdok, Café Tacvba, Molotov, Manu Chao, Eminem, Cypress Hill, La Tremenda Korte, Up Bustle and Out, El Gran Silencio, Plastilina Mosh, Jumbo, Caballeros del Plan G, Wisin y Yandel, Dj Blass, Paulina Rubio, Los Tetas, Malverde, Abusivo, Rapazolla, La Comuna, División Minúscula, Blanquito Man and many others.

In 2001, Hernández partnered with Sascha Triujeque and Gus Montalvo to form the Sones del Mexside production crew and boutique label. More recently, Hernández has been fusing the rural rhythms of Colombian-Mexican cumbias, dub and reggae to create his own trademark sound called Sonidero Nacional. In 2003, Hernandez started traveling and DJing all around the world as Toy Selectah.

He is currently the premiere A&R representative for Universal Music Group’s urban Latino label, Machete Music. He also acts as CEO of Sones del Mexside.

It is said that Toy Hernandez is one of the most important producers in Mexico's urban scene, how did you first get involved in producing music?

Desde principios de los noventas y habiendo empezado a ser DJ desde 1987, tuve la oportunidad de comenzar a hacer y grabar musica, fui tecladista de un grupo que tocaba una especie de urban hardcore y fue ahí donde empezé a usar el sampler, recuerdo haber que mi primer sample fue un S-550 de Roland, ahí comenzé a samplear y hacer beats que con todo el fundamento que te da el ser DJ comencé a mezclar las dos tecnicas.

Combinando el gusto por el Hip Hop de aquella epoca, y el gusto por los sonidos Mexicanos y mas Tropicales fue que empezó el DIGGIN de cosas que fueran propias de nuestro lugar y lado de la historia (AL SUR DE LA FRONTERA ), intentando buscar un sonido e identidad propia, fue como logramos encontrar algo que distinguiera mi propuesta sonica...

You're a founding member of the ground breaking Spanish Hip Hop group Control Machete, It's been well over 10 years since Control caught the world by surprise, yet no other Spanish Rap act has been able to repeat what you have accomplished. Why do you think that is?

Yo creo que si en verdad no fuimos los primeros que lo hacimos en español, mas su fuimos los de los primeros que lo esparcimos y lo hicimos como debía ser algo hecho en México, para México y bien hecho...

No creo que nadie mas lo haya hecho por que 10 años despues conocemos histroias exepcionales de gente que ha llevado la forma artística de hacer RAP en Español a muchisimos lugares del mundo...

Siempre me dio mucho gusto y orgullo que en el tiempo en que me tocó conocer a los grandes del Reggaeton, por ejemplo, que casi todos conocieron y tripearon a Control Machete....

definitivamente una referencia historica si de Hip Hop y/o Rap en Español hablamos...

You have been developing and changing your styles throughout the years, from having a monster Hip Hop tracks like "ANDAMOS ARMADOS" or "EN EL CAMINO" to the smash breakthrough Cumbia hit "Cumbia Sobre El Rio" with Celso Pena, what would you say is the direction your music is going today?

Music today is definitely more UPBEAT and HYPED than before, I got a stronger DJ career now combining kind of an URBAN foundation mixed with a crazy Latin Tropical Hipster thing!!

And I really believe that being a DJ and keeping eye contact with the crowd and the kids is the only way to keep in it real and fresh...

Which one of your songs either from the past or present is the most important to you personally?

Today I feel that "CUMBIA SOBRE EL RIO" is the most important song for what I'm still doing and being looked for...

What artists or company have you worked with and what are your current projects?

Durante los ultimos 15 años he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con mucha gente, hacer buenos amigos bien "Players" en distintos géneros, estilos y fórmulas, me pone muy orgulloso por ejemplo saber que muchos de los colegas musicos, productores y raperos boricuas conocieron la historia de control machete y le tienen respeto, lo mismo con toda La Raza Mexa y Latinoamericana en general que al paso de todos estos años hemos crecido juntos.

Decir con quien he trabajado pues es algo que esta ahí en mi myspace, en la BIO... Mejor decir que es lo que estamos haciendo ahora....

Tanto con SONIDERO NACIONAL (el grupo), como con TOY SELECTAH (DJ) estos ultimos 12 meses han sido muy importantes, despues de haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar y hacer muchas cosas en los mejores tiempos de MACHETE MUSIC, regresé a estar en México y Monterrey mucho tiempo. Terminé mi estudio 9 (ESTUDIO TRECE) y no hemos parado de trabajar, muchos remixes que han estado sonando por todos lados en México, Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y muchas otras partes.

la verdad que viene lo mejor, una gira como DJ por Europa en el vereno para luego hacer el gabacho US durante Septiembre, creo que ahora nos toca al sur emitir los estandares de la música urbana Latina nuevamente.

Is there a relationship between Sonidero and Hip Hop, and if so what is it?

MIXIN OF BREAKS (Cumbia Breaks) and Hip Hop music techniques, RHYMES, Mexican & Tropical Sounds, all chopped and cutted to get new Riddims, for me That's what my OWN Hip Hop is!!

Are there any feature plans to work to with Control Machete?

Control Machete for me is FOUNDATION, and will be always be my blessed opportunity to learn and live a LIFE!! Now I live in the present and looking forward to the future...

What are some of the things that someone might find in your iPod if they were to look today?

Santogold, Afrosound, Sonidero Nacional, M.I.A, Nas, Sekreto, The Clash, and Spankrock...

A few years ago with the explosion of Reggaeton just about every major recording company created a Latin Urban division, from Bad Boy Latino to Wu Tang Latino and Machete Music, yet few to none have had any success, what would you say is missing in the industry for the music to go to the next level?

To Die and be Born Again!!!! Jajajaja

What are some of the major differences between the music industry between Mexico and the United States?

MEXICO's music industry is being runed by like 10 people in every genre and style...

Lets say that in Rock, you must work or get into contact with no more than 10 people to break.

Lets say it's the same for Norteño music?

Maybe the result or the size of the markets are different but no more than 10 people are always who runs the shit!

If someone was looking to learn more about the music scene in Mexico, who would be some artists that you would recommend?

In every alternative and urban genres:
Nina Dioz, Sekreto, She's A Tease, Disco Ruido, Sonidero Nacional, Division Minuscula, Amadititita, Los Dynamite, etc.

Toy, thank you for taking the time to do this interview is there anything else you would like to add for our readers?

THANK YOU and Check out what is going on with all the Mexican community!!!!

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